It's time to activate, like never before
A complimentary 4-Part LIVE event with Lisa Liimatta

Experience a deeper understanding of who you are, your soul assignment, a deeper honoring of those who came before you and how the work they did has led us to a new kind of revolution:  soul empowered leaders

You’ve awakened to a greater depth and understanding of your spiritual essence, now it’s time to embrace the assignment you’ve been called to fulfill.  

This masterclass is more than an opportunity to learn - it’s an activation, designed to open up a dialog with your higher self,  infusing the wisdom of your soul into everything you do.  Allow it to transform the ordinary to extraordinary as you step boldly into the truth of who you are and take your place among those answering the bold call to open up to the adventure of living from soul.

Whether you consider yourself a lightworker, an entrepreneur or simply have been feeling the not-so-quiet whisper of your soul's guidance to answer a deeper calling, you have access to a deeper inner wisdom, always available to you.

You’ve been given, or rather you’ve chosen an assignment from your soul in this lifetime.  If you’re reading these words it’s likely that you’re ready to take it to a deeper level.  

Maybe at times, you’ve even felt like you’re going crazy, wondering why others around you don’t seem to see the world the same way you do. Or maybe you’ve often felt different from everyone in your family, or like you just didn’t quite fit.

Leaders aren’t meant to fit in, they were born to stand out.   Our world needs leaders who lead from within, who understand how to first lead themselves.

You will experience a deeper understanding of who you are, your soul assignment, a deeper honoring of those who came before you and how the work they did has led us to a new kind of revolution:  soul empowered leaders - the world needs you.  Will you answer the call?

This class is not just for lightworkers or even just for those who might consider themselves spiritual - it is for everyone who desires to lead themselves and/or others toward greater fulfillment, joy and prosperity, and knows that in doing so they are ultimately raising the frequency of the planet.

Masterclass Dates and Times:

Monday,  February  28th
1:00pm EST

Tuesday,  March 1st
10:30am EST

Wednesday,  March 2nd
7:00 pm EST
New Moon Activation

Thursday, March 3rd
10:30am EST

About Lisa
Lisa Liimatta is one half of Rise Leadership Circle and a holistic transformation coach who embraces her desires. A woman of power, Lisa understands what it takes to build a seven figure business while being a present mom. After selling her salon + spa Lisa turned to coaching to unleash her passion of supporting women to get what they want. Lisa is rewriting the rules that many find themselves following about needing permission to live their dreams. She co-creates freedom and joy for her clients, usually powered by a warm cup of tea. If she is not coaching you’ll find her on a hike in the woods, snuggled up with a book, or dancing to live music.
If I can’t be there live will a recording be available?

Yes, recordings will be available for those who register

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How will I access the calls?

All calls will be held in a private Facebook group

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What if I don’t consider myself a leader or an entrepreneur, will this still be relevant for me?

Absolutely! This is for anyone who desires to lead themselves and/or others toward greater fulfillment, joy and prosperity, and knows that in doing so they are ultimately raising the frequency of the planet.

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How long will I have access to the program?

You will have access until Mar. 21st, after that the Facebook group will close

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What is the New Moon Activation?  Will I need any special tools?

We’ll be harnessing the power of this gorgeous new moon in Pisces, marking a brand new beginning.

You’ll want to have your journal on hand and water or tea to sip on.  Create your space with whatever makes you feel great, you could consider lighting a candle, bringing in fresh flowers, soft lighting, or simply come as you are.
