Do you have a Power Leak?

Take this 10 Question Quiz to find out if you’re living in your power or if sneaky habits have you compromising yourself for other people, always.

Access Your Results & Receive:

You're born powerful, sister

And that you’re here, tells us your have a powerful mission as a mother-daughter team, we support soulful entrepreneurs to create unshakable self-worth on their way to beginning, then building a thriving business.

This was a HUGE game changer.
I bought in 6 figures in 6 months and did it from a place of being fully sourced. No Hustle, no fake promises, no fancy
funnels or FB ads. Just serving my clients and giving
them the BEST I had to offer.

– Chris, Holistic Transformational Coach

When the Covid-19 pandemic hot I only had
income planned to come in from in-person work. I was supported to pivot my business in a way that had me creatively fulfilled and I generated $4,000 in the first 5 weeks.

– Kasey, Artist & Photographer

When I joined Rise Leadership Circle I was just starting to bring on clients. I made and received $10,500 in my first 90 days.

– Christine

Rise Leadership Circle supports women to own their worth and build their wealth through their lucrative, mission-driven business