Unlock the code to intuitively lead yourself like never before
A two-week immersive experience
March 21st - April 1st

Learn how to access your own inner guidance (aka intuition) and boldly follow through on the guidance you receive.

What you’ll receive.

Over our two weeks together you’ll receive a soul-shift. A new relationship with your own intuition. How to receive it, how to trust it. And most importantly how to be led by it.

You’ll say yes to your soul’s mission, declare it and then lead the way by being in your authentic truth. For many, the clarity is going to come in like a bomb. For others, like a gentle recognition.

You’ll understand the depth of your own power and how to step into it now. As you let go of old beliefs and release the ego's grip on control, it's going to be like looking into a mirror and seeing someone new.  Abundance will flood in.  You’ll be ready to lead in collaboration with your own soul and all the other souls rising to step into the revolution of heart centered change makers now.

You are a unique masterpiece with gifts to offer that ONLY you can bring in the way that you can bring them.  And everything you need is already within you.

Soul Led is for you if…

⚪ You want to understand how to receive guidance from your intuition, trust what you receive and then lead yourself to follow through with action again and again.

⚪ You desire to manifest abundance while being completely authentic and free to be exactly who you truly are.

⚪ You want to understand how to lead with divine feminine energetics and take consistent action by balancing it with sacred masculine action.

⚪ You desire to learn how to create and hold a higher energetic frequency so that others calibrate to you - instead of the other way around.
You desire to be seen and heard and step fully into honoring your soul's mission.

⚪ You want to feel free to express yourself and unhook from people-pleasing, worrying about what others think and finally honor your own deep desires - even if they are so big they seem impossible or you have no idea how.


You may be thinking…who am I to do this? I felt this way too. I knew in my heart that I was being guided to trust my intuition and step up and share my message and mission with the world, but I was often stopped short by ego’s fear and desire to stay safe in the comfort zone.

 I learned that each time I leaned into trust and backed it with action, more information was revealed and the guidance became stronger

You hold the codes of deep wisdom within you, and you will unlock them one courageous step at a time. You’ll experience a soul-shift as we take this two week journey together and at the end it’s likely you’ll feel profoundly different than when we started.

This is an immersive experience. It’s not a course, or a class, it’s an integrated experience where you will discover deeper layers of your own internal wisdom and guidance, and then put that knowing into action in real time.  

Tune in. Do these words resonate with you at a soul level? Trust your intuition and if you feel the nudge, register now to claim your spot.
About Lisa
Lisa Liimatta is one half of Rise Leadership Circle and a holistic transformation coach who embraces her desires. A woman of power, Lisa understands what it takes to build a seven figure business while being a present mom. After selling her salon + spa Lisa turned to coaching to unleash her passion of supporting women to get what they want. Lisa is rewriting the rules that many find themselves following about needing permission to live their dreams. She co-creates freedom and joy for her clients, usually powered by a warm cup of tea. If she is not coaching you’ll find her on a hike in the woods, snuggled up with a book, or dancing to live music.
If I can’t be there live will a recording be available?

Yes, recordings will be available for those who register

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How will I access the calls?

All calls will be held in a private Facebook group and you’ll have access to all replays and homework materials + an opportunity to receive coaching and have your questions answered.

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What if I don’t consider myself a leader or an entrepreneur, will this still be relevant for me?

Absolutely! This is for anyone who desires to lead themselves and/or others toward greater fulfillment, joy and prosperity, and knows that in doing so they are ultimately raising the frequency of the planet.

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How long will I have access to the program?

You’ll have access to the program until the end of April so that you can deepen the learning and rewatch the modules during that time.  Keep in mind this is an immersive experience designed to go through in real time (even if you have to catch the recorded calls) so that you receive the full benefit of being in action with the energy and momentum of the group.
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I don’t like group programs and feel I learn best one to one, how will I know if this is right for me?

Trust your intuition!  Our soul voice loves to guide us out of our comfort zone and into new levels and ways of being.  Perhaps you were guided here for a reason. The people inside of the RLC community are some of the most incredible humans on the planet.  We are an inclusive community and you can trust that you’ll be welcomed with open arms, receive acknowledgement and guidance and be fully supported as you go through the immersion.
