My good friend Keri Stanley interviewed me for her Trailblazing Women Summit and our conversation was so delicious I wanted to share it with you here. 


Tune in to hear:

  • How my mom (who y’all know and love as my business partner) was the first trailblazer I saw and was inspired by, and how that has impacted my life.
  • How I braid together Divine Feminine and Masculine Energy in leadership
  • How playing is a key ingredient to being a trailblazing woman who also prospers


Watch here!

Or if you prefer to listen on the go you can tune in to the podcast version here


And be sure that you register to watch Keri’s entire Trailblazing women’s summit here


Plus, I’m giving you access to one of my most favorite things (that we usually charge for!)


This week only you can get complimentary access to my Joy Wheel workshop where I’ll walk you through how to discover your Joy Wheel (and how to use it!)


You can get free access here


Okay friends, I’m writing this from my porch overlooking the lake, which is calling to me. I’m off to lay in my hammock. I hope that after you read this you’ll choose something that as nourishing and joy giving for yourself. 




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I go live on facebook each week with a short but powerful training to help you expand your mind, body and soul.  Let’s be sure we’re connected here


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