
By Rise Leadership Circle

CORE is for the soulful entrepreneur who desires to create consistent 5 figure months and an abundant life to match, without sacrifice or struggle.

Want to see if this is a good fit? Request a call.


by Rise Leadership Circle

CORE is for the soulful entrepreneur who desires to create consistent 5 figure months and an abundant life to match, without sacrifice or struggle.

Want to see if this is a good fit? Request a call.

Core is a six month program that starts every January and July. Join the waitlist to hear when we open enrollment 2 months before the next program begins.


if you’re an entrepreneur just getting started, or you’ve been trying to figure it out for the last few years but feel like you’re throwing spaghetti against the wall. If you desire and are committed to:

  •  Consistent $5,000- $10,000 months
  • Showing up to request and receive support
  • Play team
  • Follow through on your commitments to yourself

Are you an entrepreneur who’s ready to call in consistent 5 figure months without the hustle, overwhelm, and anxiety over money?

Perhaps you’ve been working LOOONNGG hours in your business and feel like you have nothing to show for it. Or maybe it seems like overwhelm and time scarcity are holding you back from truly creating the success you see others having around you.


  • Struggled with pricing your services because you fear that others won’t pay the rates you desire or feel that you don’t know enough to charge for the value you provide? 
  • Dreamt about consistent paydays that light you up but instead live your days in fear around money and whether you’ll be able to create the success you really want with your business? 
  • Desired to share your authentic message online but worry about what others think and you end up scrolling endlessly for hours instead?
  • Felt afraid to charge for the value you provide or feel like you don’t know enough?


  • Experienced guilt for wanting to receive, even though you know that being financially free would significantly impact you and your family?



The journey to entrepreneurship isn’t always easy. It has a way of shaking up our old limiting beliefs and stories and placing them squarely in our path. In the beginning it may even feel like every time you turn around you’re faced with a new challenge.

  • Perhaps you feel like there’s never enough time and you’re always exhausted.
  • You’re hustling and working on the never ending to-do list but your income isn’t growing.
  • You’re not sure where to focus your efforts and end up spinning your wheels making little traction.
  • You’ve invested in the past but still aren’t making the money you desire.
  • You always seem to have more month than money.
  • The fear seems BIG and you don’t know how to overcome it so you can take bold action.


The roadblocks and obstacles are simply here to be your teachers.

When we stop avoiding the obstacles and instead face them head on – we can bust up the limiting beliefs and old stories so that we can step into the life we were meant to live.

There is a new paradigm in business.

It’s no longer about climbing the ladder of success alone where there’s only room for one at the top. It’s about collaboration and building authentic relationships. It’s about co-creating with Source so that the work you bring to the world is literally raising the vibration of the planet.

By connecting with your true source of power, you’ll raise your frequency and generate an entirely new relationship with money- and in a way that allows you to bring your unique gifts into the world by being fully connected to your innate worth.

It’s not magic… but it’s definitely magical.

There is a new paradigm in business.

It’s no longer about climbing the ladder of success alone where there’s only room for one at the top. It’s about collaboration and building authentic relationships. It’s about co-creating with Source so that the work you bring to the world is literally raising the vibration of the planet.

By connecting with your true source of power, you’ll raise your frequency and generate an entirely new relationship with money- and in a way that allows you to bring your unique gifts into the world by being fully connected to your innate worth.

It’s not magic… but it’s definitely magical.

Rise Leadership Circle’s CORE Program includes…

CORE Component 1: The Divine Profit Method
(Value = $5,000)

The Divine Profit Method applies the Divine Profit Formula (energetic alignment + inspired actions = divine results) to the 4 part framework (connect, create, convert, catalyst).

This is how we simultaneously play the short and long game. The Divine Profit Formula creates results now and the 4 part framework creates a sustainably successful business.

The Divine Profit Method includes 12 video modules with supporting materials and 12 coaching workshop calls delivered live with Kaela & Lisa.


Energetic Alignment + Inspired Actions = Divine Results


Module One:
WORTHshop: Rising into your power as a Fierce, Female Entrepreneur

Module Two:
Niche Down to Rise Up

Module 3:
Think & Act Like a CEO


Module Four:
Creating Offers that Sell & a Profit Plan that will hit your goals

Module Five:
How to be a Money Magnet


Module Six:
Speak from the Soul: Messaging that Converts

Module Seven:
Intuitive Entrepreneurship: Maximize your Results with Flow

Module Eight:
Sales and Enrollment for Conscious Entrepreneurs

Module Nine:
Abundance Alignment Reboot

Module Ten:
Objection Handling: Support Your Client through any “I want to, but…”


Module Eleven:
Financial Empowerment

Module Twelve:
Nurture, Serve and grow your audience as a next-level leader

CORE Component 2: Curated Support
(Value = $4,000)

SIX – 45 minute 1:1 calls with a Core Coach

Live, In-Person 2 day Retreat in the Fall

Ask-a-Coach Email Support

Access to the private CORE Membership Site for all course materials to be accessed at any time as well as our private Facebook Forum where you can receive coaching and guidance in between modules from Kaela and Lisa as well as connect with and learn from each other.

Access to our BOOST Membership Community to expand on what we’re digging into in Core, provide even more community and networking opportunities and get even more training from Kaela and Lisa directly.

Core Component 3: Business Building Toolkit
(Value = $5,000)

Exclusive Master Classes with Industry Experts designed to create fast action results in your business.

We’re diving deep into the areas of growing a profitable business online (and locally) with foundational trainings and industry experts covering the areas of sales and marketing, lead generation, list building, growing an engaged social media following, building a powerful website, creating raving fans, overcoming client objections, soulful energetic practices and SO MUCH MORE!



  • Sell Like a Goddess
  • Abundance Accelerator
  • Wealth Rituals
  • Grow your Instagram with IG expert Carla Beisinger
  • Website 101 with guest expert Alex VandeHei of HeiPro Digital
  • Developing Your Client Pathway with guest expert Jaclyn Gruber, M33
  • List Building and Creating an Engaged Following with Jaclyn Gruber, M33
  • 1-2-3 System for Generating Cash Fast (For Manifesting Entrepreneurs on a Mission!)
  • How To Create a YES when Time, Money, or the Need for Permission are in the way for your Client
  • Crash Course on Courses

plus, a DROOL-WORTHY Bonus

Raise Your Wealth Set Point Accelerator (value $1,000)

This 5 day accelerator will catalyze your wealth set point from its current level, to a new upgrade so that you can be a match for the wealth that you are calling in.



“When I first started working with Kaela and Lisa in October, I was struggling in my coaching practice trying to figure out how to create consistent income and come up with the $900 a month to pay for coaching. I had 20K of credit card debt and had no idea how I was going to come up with the payments.

This was a HUGE game changer. I brought in 6 figures in 6 months and did it from a place of being feeling sourced. No hustle, no fake promises, no fancy funnels or FB ads. Just serving my clients and giving them the BEST I had to offer.”

Chris Williams
Holistic Transformational Coach

“Because of these excellent enrollment skills Kaela and Lisa have taught me, I’ve been able to quadruple my sales this year as compared to last year, and the best part is I get to serve more of my ideal client because of it.”

Alex VandeHei
HeiPro Digital

“In the past month I’ve had 18 consultations and 15 of them booked, securing over $15,000 in revenue. The icing on the cake after hitting my first six figures of the year by July.”

– Kate McFadzen
KLEM Studios

“Working with Rise Leadership Circle has changed my life and business. Initially, I was hesitant to hire coach. I felt like I could figure everything out for my business, a coach was too expensive. I quickly changed my mindset and saw value immediately in the way I needed support. I was able to talk about the details of my business and vision of where I want to go.

Working with Lisa and Kaela allowed me to 5x my business income year over year. The largest benefit of being part of RLC is the community of like-minded entrepreneurs who will lift you up. I didn’t realize the impact of being around other women who believed the same things I believe would have such a profound impact on my life.”

– Jess Hopp
The Planner Collective

frequently asked questions

When does the program begin and end?

Core starts January 2 and July 2 of each year and runs for 6 months

Will the calls be recorded?

Yes, all calls will be recorded and available on your membership site within 24 hours so no worries if you are not able to make a call live.

What if i need individual support?

You’ll receive 6 private coaching sessions with a Core Coach and unlimited access to Lisa and Kaela by asking questions via the Facebook group.  You’ll also have an opportunity to receive live hot seat coaching twice/month on the Thursday Q+A calls.

I’m just starting my business, is CORE right for me?

Yes!  Whether you’re just getting started in your service based business or have been in business for awhile and not making the money you’d like to make this program is designed to help you develop the solid business and energetic principles you need to master in order to build a sustainable long term business.

I’ve been in business for awhile, but I’m not making the money I desire, is this right or me?

Yes!  If you’ve been in business for awhile but not generating the money or the results you desire Core will help you master the energetic principles and proven business strategy to help you grow your service-based business.  We’ve designed this program for the entrepreneur who is ready to generate consistent sustainable income and growth.

I’ve taken other courses and didn’t get the results I wanted, do you guarantee results?

While we can promise you that will deliver amazing content, resources and powerful coaching along with a proven program for results, the number one determinant of your success in this program is YOU!  Your commitment level, willingness to be coachable and belief in yourself will ultimately determine the results you create.

What makes your program different from others?

In short – A LOT!  We’re not teaching a cookie-cutter version of other business programs that focus on strategy alone.  Core and The Divine Profit Method are unique in the way that we combine energetic alignment, manifestation, and wealth-building principles along with sound business strategy.  We’ve designed this program based on the strategies we’ve used to generate multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses and the foundational success principles that we live by every day!

