I want to share with you about a time that was not one of my most attractive moments.

It was a Saturday night in January and I was snuggled in bed binging on Netflix and chocolate, feeling sorry for myself that I lived in a different state than my boyfriend and my Saturdays now looked like this. It wasn’t just that I felt alone on that Saturday night, but that I felt unfulfilled.

I had been working at what I thought was my dream job for a little over a year and I was starting to realize it wasn’t my ticket to total joy. I was successful in my career there, but I wasn’t feeling successful.

Then my endless Facebook scrolling took me to a photo of 2 people that I knew and respected, each living on opposite sides of the countries. I asked myself, “How do they know each other? What are they doing in Chicago together on a Saturday night?” I started a little detective work and discovered they were both part of the same coach training program, one that I had looked into a few months before. It was at this moment that I let DESIRE take the wheel. And EVERYTHING in my life changed.

Are you in a place of letting your desire take the wheel or are you experiencing resistance?

Ask yourself these 4 questions to play in desire, because you get to! When you work through these 4 questions and surrender to desire amazing things can happen.

  1. What is predictable to happen? Check in if your desire is based on your past performance or what you truly desire.
  2. What do I desire to have happen? This is not what you think is predictable, but something that might feel like a stretch.
  3. If anything could happen, what would I desire?
  4. If the impossible could happen, what would I desire?

What we’re doing is expanding and opening up to what you actually desire. It’s no longer about what you can do or should do, but about what you truly want. Desires are like a roadmap to your destiny. Tune in to them.

