When I began to deep dive into my own spirituality, I also began to understand the very real relationship between discovering who I am at a soul level and how much power and responsibility we each hold for co-creating our lives and manifesting what we truly want.


It’s probably been over 10 years ago by now,  but I distinctly remember how I felt when I read The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer.  I truly saw for the first time how our intentions are an energetic force that allow the act of creation to take place which eventually results in our dreams becoming real in physical form.  


Over the last 10 years, I’ve been using intentions to create my life.  I’ve manifested selling a business so I could pursue what I love,  new clients, money, love, joy, health and so much more.


I was inspired to share this today after hearing from a client in our membership community, the Circle, who mentioned that life was feeling like a merry go ride, and she felt she was losing momentum trying to decide which horse to ride first.


Feeling this too?  


Tune in to hear how to:

  • Get off of the merry go round and instead make progress on what you want,
  • Co-create the life you were meant for 
  • Avoid distractions so that the universe can align people, places and things on your behalf instead.


We’ll also explore my personal method for setting intentions and use it to set your own on the spot so you can experience the power of it right away!


I recorded this episode audio only, but you can still listen in on YouTube here

Or if you prefer to listen on the go you can tune in to the podcast version here


You know what would make a great companion to your intention setting process?  My visioning meditation! 


You can grab your free download here


May your wildest dreams come true, one intention at a time!




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I go live on facebook each week with a short but powerful training to help you expand your mind, body and soul.  Let’s be sure we’re connected here


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