It takes a massive amount of courage to follow what’s true, especially when it goes against what’s right.  When we begin to listen for our own inner truth, it’s often inconvenient.  

It may go against the common path, it may go against what others want for you, and it may require you to speak your truth, examine your beliefs and make changes that others don’t approve of. 

Courage is the price of admission to a life beyond your wildest dreams.  And your life is always guiding you in every single moment.

It’s revealing your truth even now.  Your body, your emotions, your relationships.  It will never lie and always reveal where change is required.  Pay attention to both your pain and your joy and let it guide you to be honest about what’s true for you.

The type of confidence that develops as we live from what’s true will guide you to take bold action in the direction of your dreams.  

I wasn’t expecting to, but ended up sharing a very vulnerable and personal moment about a time I was in deep suffering trying to do what was right, and what happened when I trusted what was true.

Listen here!

Or if you prefer to listen on the go you can tune in to the podcast version here

I hope you have a beautiful week!

To your rise,



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