We run our business in a way that would make most business coaches cringe. 


We invested $20,000 in a 2 day event and didn’t make a direct pitch for people to enroll in an offer while they were there.


At this event, we GAVE AWAY $10,000 cash to soulful entrepreneurs as no-strings-attached grants because it’s fun and we can, our business is built on a foundation of generosity.


We also gave away five spots (valued at $10,000 each) to an upcoming in-person 2 day event that includes lodging for 3 nights in a Victorian mansion and catered meals from a gourmet chef. We like to celebrate and reward our community for showing up for themselves, this prize was one of the ways we did that.


We pay our team per call, whether they enroll someone new or not. We’re okay with no’s.


We’re committed to disrupting the thought that we need to be focused on what we’re getting.


Being generous yields a big impact. It also is aligned with our personal values and the people that we are.


And, we’ve generated over a million dollars in two years with generosity as our primary focus. We’ve found that by taking our focus away from “What am I getting?” and instead turning it first inward (doing the #innerwork to be our best selves) and then second to how we can pour into our community a win-win experience is created.


We love supporting our clients to have life-changing breakthroughs around money. And one of the reasons that we KNOW we can aid in the transformation of so many money revelations is because we are doing money differently.


Are you ready to step into a personal breakthrough with money? Join us for our free masterclass series this month.


From May 10-13 we’re hosting Permission to Prosper. During this 3 part masterclass from 9:00-9:30am CST each day we’re looking at the root of money hang ups. This is for you if you are ready to claim wealth as your birthright by releasing outdated beliefs that you’ve been carrying, and subconscious money blocks passed down through your lineage, so you can be the high earning soulful entrepreneur you were born to be.


Register free here: Riseleadershipcircle.com/Permission


Then, from May 17-20 we’re hosting a 4 day Action Challenge where we’ll support you to Make THAT Money. We’ll get together from 9:00-9:30am CST each day to learn how you can boost your bottom line as a soulful entrepreneur when you let wealth consciousness guide you (and then go out in the world and apply it!)


Register free here: Riseleadershipcircle.com/Money-challenge


P.S. What we’re sharing is NOT what you will find in most business books that you read. It’s heart centered, all about alignment, and EXACTLY what we did to revolutionize our relationship with money and open up to an expanded level of receiving.