Today I’m sharing my discoveries after quitting sugar for a week. Honestly, it was not was I expected.

In this week’s episode I discuss:

  • Why I decided to temporarily quit added sugar
  • What surprised me in my one week without sugar
  • How this shift supports me to live my YES life


Listen here!


Or if you prefer to listen on the go you can tune in to the podcast version here


PS – Have you heard the news?


We have a brand new Facebook group called Live Your Yes Life (we’ll be closing the Prosperous Entrepreneur Power Pack group soon) and we’re spending our time over there giving leaders like you tools, coaching and so much more do you can Live Your YES Life!

Now’s the time to come and join the party because we’re hosting the 1K giveaway!

Here’s how to enter:
1. Join the “Live Your YES Life” Facebook Group
2. Make a post sharing what your YES life looks like and how you’d use the $1,000.
3. Circle back and comment on 10 others who are applying for the giveaway to celebrate them.

We’ll announce the winner in the FB group on November 22, 2023. Then we’ll send them the $1K!


With love,



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I go live on facebook each week with a short but powerful training to help you expand your mind, body and soul.  Let’s be sure we’re connected here


Come hang out with us in our free community Live Your YES Life Facebook group


Or follow us on Instagram here